Wednesday, June 25, 2014

RED ALERT -- Earth To Be Hit With Strong CME From Solar Flares

it would be terribly depressing reporting everyday on famine, drought, death, the sun's violent outbursts, and a whole slew of natural disasters that most likely play the tune of human destruction. most people would rather be distracted by the pretty lights than know that we are dying a slow death as a race on this planet. 


  1. jesus swords is @ work, jesus swords is SATAN,DAJJAL? BELZEBUTh. so there is no escape from satan as all of you know and understand what evil does. so be ready, as JESUS is not happy, america is no longer the blessed land but the cursed land.

  2. Satan is the god of this planet. Jesus tried to help us, and look what happened to him.

  3. Jesus died on the cross to conquer death which is to say satan so we might have eturnal life. As Father told satan in the Garden I will put enmity between thy seed n the womans(Cains father wasn't Adam it was satan) It(Jesus) shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His heel.The latter happened when the crucified Jesus nailing His heels to the cross. Remember saan appears first on this earth only he'll be claiming hes Jesus
