Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Credit System a Form of Counterfeiting -- Gordon Long

.Will the crisis in Iraq get out of control? Macroeconomist Gordon Long says, "I happen to think that it probably will because we are not resolving the basic problems. But the big core issue here is the petrodollar. It's not about oil and it's not about gas. It's about what it is bought and paid for in, and that is U.S. dollars. There is no one that trades any one of those products in anything other than U.S. dollars . . . right now, as of today. . . . As long as the trading continues in U.S. dollars, all those dollars will stay out there and not come back to the United States. When it comes back to the United States, you will have hyperinflation. These conflicts need to be seen in the context of they are really going to force groups to trade in other than the U.S dollar. That's the problem because they are going to come back. They are going to say I have a U.S. dollar, and I am going to make a claim on it. That's what is going to drive the hyperinflation. That's what is going to drive the currency crisis. This is about trading in the U.S. dollar. . . . We are looking at spring 2015 to Q3. There is trouble there."Gordon Long says, "We're not really running a capitalist system. We are running a credit system. Instead of using savings, we are using credit. Credit, the way we are doing it now, is really a form of counterfeiting. If you look at the $72 trillion shadow banking system that we have operating right now, that is generating this credit.

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