Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Doug Casey on the Coming Economic Meltdown : "America Has Ceased to Exist"

"America Has Ceased to Exist": Investment Guru Doug Casey on the Coming Economic Meltdown

"America, is a marvelous idea, a unique idea, fantastic idea, I'm extremely pro-American. But America has ceased to exist," declares Doug Casey, an economist and author of his most recent book, Right on the Money. He has also produced a new documentary called Meltdown America which predicts the economic and political unraveling of the U.S.Casey recently sat down with Reason TV's Nick Gillespie to discuss the political, social, and economic challenges the US must conquer as well as lessons we can learn from failed states.


  1. We hold the gun and money so we make the rules

  2. sorry he cannot be all proamerican. by packing and leaving like jim rogers. they are sell outs. waittill argentina gets desperate will exappropriate all of his property and less extent Singapore and will kick them out like little mice.

  3. Sellouts No Smart Folks Yes Don't you relize the united states isn't a county its a corporation brought about in the 1870's
