Saturday, June 14, 2014

ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE : Snowden and Surveillance

The Senate hearing on NSA and FISA Thursday is extremely revealing about the attitude towards our privacy and civil liberties. I recommend everyone watch Sen. Rockefeller (at about 1:50:00) question the Verizon executive who made sure to mention his FBI experience several times. Ignoring the interesting fact Verizon has a vp with "FBI experience" interfacing with the NSA, FBI, DOJ, etc.. on behalf of Verizon, Sen Rockefeller's questions are extremely revealing. Rockefeller actually had the gaul to say how he just gave himself subpoena power and blatantly stated he didn't go through channels while remarking how frustrating it was before that and what a "glorious day" it was after giving himself judiciary power. Oh, and he also made sure to remind everyone he was very involved in setting up the FISC "court" (secret crony tribunal.) How can any American watch that and not be incensed at such a mockery of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. With about a million contractors and government employees from all those agencies, it really makes you wonder just how bad it really is.

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