Saturday, June 14, 2014

WALL STREET: The Next Financial Crash will be the End of America

THERE IS NO MORE POWER TO THE PEOPLE. The only way to impeach Obama and his henchmen is through civil war and our country is to weak to take back what is ours. 

The Federal Government (Congress), is breaking the Supreme Law of the Land (Constitution), by allowing the Privately owned for-profit corporation, misleadingly called the "Federal" Reserve to print & regulate U.S. currency. The average Americans Federal withholdings is used to pay said interest to these private owners. Federal income tax is unconstitutional.


  1. Take back America, ya right, we can't even get GMO food labled.

  2. The only reason these 'Oligarchs' state that they are doing all of this-(STEALING) for the American people, it's because it's the only way they can live with themselves. But fear not, they ALL have to go before God one day, as we ALL do!
