Saturday, June 14, 2014

Did Bilderberg Approve U.S.-Iran Attack on al-Qaeda in Iraq?

How coincidental that after the leaked information about Bilderberg 2014, stating that the US and Iran would have a "grand bargain", a threat appears in Iraq. It seems that Iran and the US may do a deal together to stop the chaos that al-Qaeda is causing right now in Iraq. If Baghdad falls, the US will have to intervene again. Iran also doesn't want a destabilized area so they certainly have vested interest.

This information came only 2 weeks after the Bilderberg meeting and although nothing is conclusive, it does seem to smell a bit fishy!

*ISIS Leader: 'See You in New York'Bilderberg's New World Order plot hits Iran-Russia-China wallIn response to these setbacks, the Bilderbergers are contemplating a "grand bargain" with Iran. The sanctions have simply led to Iran trading with China and Russia rather than the West.Exclusive: Alarmed by Iraq, Iran open to shared role with U.S. - Iran officialShi'te Muslim Iran is so alarmed by Sunni insurgent gains in Iraq that it may be willing to cooperate with Washington in helping Baghdad fight back, a senior Iranian official told Reuters.

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