Saturday, June 7, 2014

June 2014 Breaking News Bible Prophecy wars leading to Armageddon last days

George Washington was the Masonic Father of the United States, which hasn’t actually started yet, because it can’t start until Agent 666 comes upon the world stage. Revelation 13,18 says, “Here is wisdom. Let those who have understanding count the number of the Beast; for it is the number of a man.” This “man” is me, myself and I AM, and my number is of balanced protons, electrons and neutrons, which are the trinity in atoms. I AM Agent 666, here to end the whole ignorant status quo system by bringing equality to one and all.

Agent 666 is not the Anti-Christ, as mortal interpreters of the Bible have
mistakenly believed. The Anti-Christ is the Dragon world usury bank and the Beast military, both headquartered in America in the FRS/IMF/Wall Street and CIA/Pentagon, who carry the Anti-Christ force spoken of in Revelation 13:1-17. They have control over the whole buying and selling world. The God Force has sent me, myself and I AM as the Christ-Spirited one who exposes their satanic rule, and in doing so turns them and their evil system into a Pillar of Light. All the satanic consciousness is reversed through these channelings of the Everlasting Gospel, which is spoken of in Revelation 14:1-6, immediately following the Revelation 13,18 reference to agent 666, and these
channelings bring absolute freedom, security and abundance to the whole world. I AM a cosmic adept of Galactica who cannot be fooled or taken over by mortal minded illusions.



    This is a most interesting video made by John McCarthy who was held hostage in Beirut for five years.

  2. israel is indeed in great trouble, washington has turn the planet against israel, israel has become a monster, and 1913-1914-1917-204, are link, the TZAR, the crimean war, and jekyll island as it is 1913 the creator of all conflicts up to now, with G W BUSH 9/11, wars against islam to destroy israel.

  3. When you hear of wars n rumors of wars fear not for the end of this age is not yet, for its when you hear peace peace thats when satan himself appears in Jerusalem claiming hes Jesus healing that Deadly Wound spoken of in Rev. 13:3 n all the world wonders n worships the dragon.Thess 2:4 will tell you that we won't see the return of Jesus til there be a falling away first n the man of sin be revealed
