Saturday, June 7, 2014

The EARTH is in PERIL~ Fukushima, Hanford, WIPP, Nuclear Holocaust update 7/6/14

02] Wars for Oil, the Hanford Nuclear Chaos, and Solar Freakin' Roadways
song called Wake Up Kiss by zep_hurme on CCdigMixter
*Ex-Japan Official: "Earth is in peril" from Fukushima reactors if current situation continues — Tepco Worker: "The equipment that we brought 3 years ago, like pipes, hoses, the buildings themselves, all of these have started to break down. Even the cooling system ceasing to function is a possibility."

Latest Headlines:
NBC stations reveal nuclear workers suffering severe brain damage — Toxic waste raining down from sky, wore baseball caps for protection — Brains being eaten away, teeth falling out — Workers raising safety issues framed using false evidence, fired — Gov't agency not allowed in to investigate (VIDEO)

Japan TV: Gov't officials discover nuclear material flowing into ground at Fukushima; Releases thought to be ongoing for months — Expert: "No end" to problems with radioactive waste at plant; Public does not trust what they are being told (VIDEO)

Study: Water helps dissolve Fukushima's melted nuclear cores, accelerates corrosion — Plutonium concentrates on outer edge of fuel — Poses "a much longer environmental threat" than initial releases — Transport of nuclear material into environment to continue for many years if not isolated

US Experts: Fukushima melted fuel "a concern for millennia"; Risk of criticality from corium moving, redistributing — Tepco Chief: Certainly a difficult path ahead... we'll be able to move forward if we can find damaged fuel (VIDEO)

Senior Scientist: Fukushima is not under control; It has 'alarm bells' going off on West Coast — Former Official: I'm humiliated Japan lies to world about how much contamination is entering Pacific; Nuclear material "polluting ocean more and more" (AUDIO)

Japanese Journalist: Workers "very worried" about deformed 400 ft. structure falling on Fukushima reactor buildings and causing another crisis — Immediate repairs needed yet "can't do anything" due to extreme radiation levels — Staff told to "constantly watch it" — One of site's most dangerous places

Officials concerned ice wall to "trigger significant subsidence" and further endanger reactor buildings — Risk of more nuclear material 'spilling out' of basements due to dramatic change in groundwater — Numerous hazards "could undermine the plant" — "Impact on entire situation" still being studied (VIDEO)

Strontium reaches 500 Billion Bq/m³ in basements at Fukushima — Record levels reported at 5 locations near ocean — U.S. Senior Scientist: "We see strontium becoming more of concern... food chain will have to be studied more carefully"

AP: Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans — Zero born in multiple study areas — Expert: "The bottom dropped out"; From 1,000s to 10 or less, unknown why it's occurring

Fukushima Nuclear Chief after 3/11: It will be like 'China Syndrome' film, fuel to melt away — "We're imagining collapse of eastern Japan... going to be more than Chernobyl" — "Could be Plutonium... all substances from fuel are going to be released"

Top Science Journal: "Time bombs" at WIPP nuclear site? "High alert over risk of new explosions" in hundreds of plutonium-contaminated drums — AP: 4 years may be needed just to seal off area where drums stored — Experts go down to check if ground 'still stable' (VIDEO)

Official in Fukushima: "Please Please HELP US!" — Hot particles of melted fuel are inhaled by children everyday — We are forced to have it in our bodies — "Please let all people in the world know the life we are living"

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