Monday, May 5, 2014

Putin Threatens : I will turn America into Ashes, and yes he can and will!

NATO says its reconnaissance planes have recently spotted Russian air activity during their missions over Poland and Romania to monitor the situation in neighbouring Ukraine. Such planes, belonging to NATO's airborne early warning and control force, patrol the skies of central Europe. When at cruising altitude they can monitor more than 300,000 square kilometers of airspace, enough to keep an eye on Russian movement in the region.


  1. NATO-OTAN is in europe ukraine is in europe not on the middle east neither on the american continent, wars only happen locally, sending missiles across the ocean only occur ..! or once to make a point, or to a proxy nation, in this case NATO. OTAN they are the ones in danger. or any other proxy nation of washington...!!

  2. What do you expect....keep poking the bear and he will come out of his cave. Leave your enemy no choice, but push him into a corner, then stare in wonder that he has armed himself and is prepared to fight.

    Just dumb.....the product of too much hubris..

  3. This video is P R O P A G A N D A purse and simple. Americans have to be retards to buy this shit.
