Monday, May 5, 2014

The Coming Economic Collapse by 2014 2015

Disqualify the Federal Reserve, since they are breaking the law by printing Money based on Assets we do not have, that is in Essence Counterfeiting, since the Money being printed is not backed up by Gold or other Precious metals, and also we have totally Over Printed our own GNP,,s ability to pay down the Deficit, This is all due to the idea that Bailing out the Huge Corporations can fix them, Not!,. Remove this Blight from Our Country, and the Leech,s that run it,.they are all Counterfeiters and need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law,..time to stop making Magical paper, worth nothing. implement Executive Oder 11110, do it now.

These Bank Son of a Bucks are just afraid of goin' to prison...which they should! They need to buck up an take the consequence their actions!
The Banksters don't want to go to jail for all the crimes they have committed. The Politicians won't do any thing they have all been bought and paid for, or blackmailed by the Banksters. So the Politicians declare them to big too fail. There is no economy... Only a SS (Soldier of Satan) agenda designed to enslave 90% + of population to Corporate Fascist ambitions. Either get off YOUR ASS and face them DOWN...Else forever live on YOUR knees.

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