Monday, May 5, 2014


Dr. Bill H. Weld
I just want to thank Rev. Hopkins for posting this. I'll be probably putting a new video up tonight or tomorrow to answer as many questions as I can. As I've promised, these documents *will* be released in two weeks. If *anything* happens to me or my family until then, I have given orders to friends who also have copies of them to release them immediately.

"The records had CIA on the records. In 1998 my friend walked away for a CIA work and came home to his sister home. So I got to know him. He told me what he worked on would kill over 50% of the people. I could not get from him what it was! But he said it either in food or water! But no cure. He's dead now!"*EXTREMELY URGENT* Classified documents have been given to me that reveal how our government has commissioned a project to surreptitiously place highly advanced "nano devices" in our water and food supply. These devices enter the human body and reside there until activated by a radio signal. The documents estimate that "87%" of the population of the U.S. is currently infected.

The devices, once activated, will kill a person (or a group of people, an apartment complex or even a city) within ten to twelve days and closely mimic severe flu-like symptoms.

I have been told that these devices *will* be activated during the coming economic meltdown and institution of Martial Law in the United States of America.

Please listen to the entire video, where I discuss threats to my family, how I am being harassed and how I hope this information spreads for the sake of our safety, and for the sake of our country. We are also preparing to release PDF file scans of these documents in the coming weeks.

I ask humbly that those of you out there who are supporting us to please pray for us.

God bless,

Dr. Bill H. Weld

Dr. Weld's other videos:

Military insiders say "something big is coming"



  1. @ 4.00 you said 85% and @ 4.30 you say 87% which one is it?

  2. So where is the evidence...facts, documents, etc.

    All we get are words, a theory, pictures and the waffling of another conspiracy. Come on ....

  3. Must be a finial component to this garbage. Pepper supplies etc. It's really quite treacherous as we do face real perils. Dood can't even write or spell properly. Derp.

  4. MMS in combination with a cleansing anti-inflammatory diet can defeat the auto-immune response generated by this device. MMS has already shown itself effective at reversing other auto-immune conditions, including HIV/AIDS. In 2009-10 over 800 people recovered from AIDS during a trip to fight malaria using MMS, conducted by Jim Humble who has promoted this product world-wide, without profit to himself. Lies can be found concerning this from some sources. However, this is accurate information. This product with a cleansing diet can also help Mr. Weld recover kidney function.
