Saturday, May 3, 2014

New Shocking End Times Secrets Revealed With Dr. Scott McQuate - End Of The World Revelations

Dr. Scott McQuate has quickly become the 'go to' authority for understanding the End Times. His books, lectures and online Learning Network have become the standard for learning the truth in these End Times; and most of what Dr. McQuate has uncovered has been hidden from the world until now, just as prophesied. Christians falsely believe that the truth is readily available for anyone simply by reading the Bible, but this is not at all true. That is not what the Bible teaches and is entirely contrary to the words of Jesus. Jesus stated that we must 'ask', 'seek' and 'knock' to find the truth that would make us free and those 3 words in the Greek carry the idea of 'constantly', 'persistently' pursuing the truth in order to find it. So, it takes MUCH more than simply reading one's Bible to know the truth - If you believe the words of Jesus. Daniel 12:4 says that 'The Book' was sealed up 2600 years ago, (600 years PRIOR TO the establishment of Christianity) and that it was not to be opened UNTIL the 'Time of the End' - The time we're living in, TODAY; And the fact that the truth of 'The Book' was sealed up PRIOR TO the founding of Christianity ONLY to be opened at the time of the END, begs the question, 'What, therefore, has Christianity been teaching for the last 2000 years? It has taught truth 'mixed' with the lies of the Scribes who wrote most of the Bible. Jesus called these lies 'leaven' and he warned about this 'hypocrisy' vehemently, even 7 times in a row in the book of Matthew. He called the Pharisees and Scribes 'vipers' and 'white-washed sepulcres' 'full of dead men's bones' and rebuked them constantly. This is why Jeremiah 8:8 calls these same writers of the Bible 'liars' openly. But this fact is something that the Pastors of today in MYSTERY BABYLON, conveniently disregard; but if you read Jeremiah 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22 and 23:1 and 2, you will see that nothing has changed from when those same Pastors were blamed for the enslavement of the people then, in BABYLON. This is because, as Solomon tells us, we are in a cycle and to break that cycle, just as Jesus said, we must know the truth. But again, knowing that truth is not easy as Christians falsely have been taught. This is also why we, as 'good workmen', are instructed to 'rightly divide' the word of truth in II Timothy 2:15. The word ''divide' is 'Orthotomeo' in the Greek language and literally means 'to cut'. This is telling us that to understand the truth in the Bible, it is imperative to 'cut' it from the lies or 'leaven' to which it has been attached. This is precisely what Dr. Scott McQuate has done for many years and tens of thousands of hours by using specialized methods of Exegesis that are ENTIRELY UNKNOWN to Pastors, Theologians and Biblical Scholars. But how is this possible? Proverbs 25:2 tells us 'It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the honor of KINGS to discover a matter; and it is no coincidence that the name 'McQuate' means 'Son of Rule'. Christians and others have expected the Father to send people to teach His truth at the time of the End, as it states in the Bible, but the question is, 'will they recognize the messenger and the truth when this happens?' If history repeats itself, the answer will be 'no'. Not only will most people reject the truth that will make them free, as they've always done before, but they will criticize, malign and slander the messenger and ridicule the message, to their own demise. You see, people love lies rather than the truth, which is why God has further handed them over to a 'strong delusion' that has CAUSED them to 'believe a lie' just as we are told in II Thessalonians 2:11. This delusion began at the beginning of the Last Days, but as we are told 'a day is as 1000 years and 1000 years is as a day', the delusion began at least 2 days or 2000 years ago. It is not a new thing, but something that has been happening for a long, long time. Listen carefully to this video and take notes and then take your learning to a whole new level by joining It will be the best decision you will ever make and will help you understand the truth that the world has never known...until now.


  1. The bible does not say the end of the world
    It plainly says the end of the age

  2. CMAenergy, that is an incorrect statement. 'Pastors' state that it is the end of the 'age', but that is an improper translation. Read the book 'The Tribulation' at and there will be no doubt in your mind what the Bible 'actually' says. Pastors here in Mystery Babylon have led millions into slavery, just as they led them into slavery in Babylon as it tells us in Jeremiah 2:8, 10:21, 12:10, 22:22 and 23:1 and 2. It is astounding how many Christians are oblivious to what the Bible actually says, while they run around quoting Bible verses. Astounding. THIS is why millions will be caught 'unawares', just as the Bible says.

  3. The end of the world refers to the end of the rule of the devils over the original people of the world. He was given 6000 years. 4000 was spent in the cave of Europe. The remainder enslaving people of color..
