Saturday, May 3, 2014

U.S. Debt Mounting Amid Signs America's Economic Power Is Slipping

The next round for world domination won't be fought with boots on the ground boats in the water and planes in the air. It will be fought in the monetary and banking arena, and if things get out of hand it will go thermonuclear. The world is getting fed up with the almighty king dollar and the exorbitant privilege it gives the increasingly corrupt US regime (widely viewed as the most corrupt regime on the planet). Up to now nobody has been strong enough in the monetary and banking arena to challenge the almighty king dollar, but someone is strong enough now, they happen to be asian, and are quickly gaining support of other asian nations with longstanding animosity against the corrupt US regime. And they happen to have a frighteningly large thermonuclear arsenal among them. So the corrupt US regime's days are numbered along with their almighty king dollar. Yes, they'll do what American "patriots" don't have the guts to do. American "patriots" don't have the guts to take America back, so the new asian alliance will take America down. A task made far easier with the corrupt US regime's world-record debt.

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