Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bloody Battles - Ukrainian Unrest Spreads, Dozens Dead

The real wild-card (and danger) in all of this is the US. The arrogance of its politicians and bureaucracy has already backed it into a corner. Without US shenanigans, this would have been at most a regional conflict. People will begin to question whether the USD is worth hording if the empire backing it no longer has the edge to take on a “minor” power such as Russia. On one hand, the US is risking its reputation and the supremacy of the USD by doing nothing, and on the other hand, it's risking WWIII. Could this hand have been played any worse? Putin, as always, played his hand perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. This is an utter lie. People who were trapped in this building were unarmed civilians, many casualties there.
