Monday, May 5, 2014

Michael Savage on White House Correspondents Dinner 2014

Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on May 5, 2014

If the oracles interprets some enjoys and some are not - it is rather the trust in the leadership and his government fading. The leader extended his version of "respect" of his leadership, to his office and to his government. Mr Obama loves clowning, but it seems Mr Obama lost some respect and gain some respect thru his jokes. The founding politicians laid respect to their offices, let the current officials show respect to the office people recognised. It took years to educate young minds to become what someone dreamed of - to gain what they deserve, respect and whatever politically correct the youths deserve. Let alone clowns be clowns. And leaders be leaders. If leadership acted that respect thru clowning is gained, then let others or the media enjoy and let others believe what the public believe. It comes some kind of respect for the clown and respect for leading a country what most politicians "the greatest" meant for. It took papers to edit news and to classify comics. It all happened in Washington DC - to become circus or be serious. Seriously joke or jokingly/clowning serious. It will all be defined on consumers. Well Obama is a joke and he relayed he is a joke. Laughter for the joke. It seems reasons were seen whenever Obama opens his mouth.

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