Monday, May 5, 2014

NATO Strategically Moving Assets In Preparation For War

Job creating in America has now fallen to a 13 month low. Manufacturing has tumbled to a 6 month low. Jeff Gundlach is now bearish on housing, we seem to be on the cusp of something of a change with existing home sales now negative," he said. Common core designed to indoctrinate our children, dumb them down and make them into good workers and not thinkers. US starts military drills with Philippines and at the same time NATO prepares for its 6000 troop drills in Estonia. NATO officials are preparing for war with the suggestion of moving military assets to Georgia. The disappearance of flight MH 370 is now being linked to al-Qaeda. Be prepared for a false flag.


  1. If It quacks like a duck swims like a duck and paddles like a duck then it's an American Navy destroyer named Donald!

  2. russia i think understand the idiots of washington and act carefully, as NATO the washington poodle is the way washington hopes to destroy freedom, but all they do works as expected once the olygargs are all gone here there and everywhere them things will return to the proper pace, israel is somehow even more worried than before but i feel only the 1967 borders can save it from implosion.
