Monday, May 5, 2014

BUSTED Smart Meters Emit Constant Microwave Radiation WUSA9 News

This undemocratic global smart metering program is emerging as a truly massive issue with many areas of focus, such as greatly increased utility bills, decimation of privacy rights, an array of health problems from radiation, hacking vulnerability, corporate fraud, democracy vs. corporatocracy, uninsured fires/damage... and how the entire story fits in with the big picture on our planet. With this crisis comes tremendous opportunity. Human beings everywhere come together, and we take back our power.
If "the powers" really wanted to save energy, they should first install sensors at every traffic light so cars are not idling for nothing. Think of all the times you sit at a traffic light and no cars are there. Well multiply that by every time you do, and every other car that waits unnecessarily and you've got major time waste there not to mention emissions. Also green left arrows come on first, holding up more cars (as more cars travel straight ahead than turn left) This is proof that traffic lights are designed for maximum delay. Also traffic now stops on all sides just to allow pedestrians to walk diagonally. Often there are no pedestrians, and most times pedestrians don't cross diagonally they cross perpendicular. There is no need to hold up four lanes of traffic just to allow pedestrians to walk diagonally. We are being scammed at every light many millions of times per year. And we don't even know it. But the scam goes in the oil companies' favor of course. Burns more fuel. This shows the levels they go to to satisfy their greed. And still it's never satisfied.

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