Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Charles Nenner : War, 2014 Dollar Collapse, Gold Could Go Parabolic and More

On the U.S. dollar, renowned financial analyst Charles Nenner predicts, "Timing is our business, and we've always said the dollar is going to collapse in end of 2014.

There are different reasons for this. The government has loans outstanding that are very short term. If interest rates only go up a half a percent, they are already in trouble. Also, the United States doesn't have the power to force a lot (of Treasury bonds) on other countries because the United States has decided not to be a power anymore. So, of course, the dollar goes with it.

Oil is going to be much higher, and inflation is going to start moving its tail. This is the start of inflation. Five years from now, you will see inflation started in 2014. It's not that everything happens in 2014 it's just the beginning. I still do cycles of war and I have been predicting a big war is in the making in 2013. And, when they ask me does it start with a bang, I say no, it starts slowly without us noticing. In ten years, you will look back and see it started in 2013. . . . I still think the big war will come from the Middle East."


  1. The US $ is in big trouble , and now with Russia and China forming a pact of sorts and the EU too getting close to collapse for the exception of Germany ....... they need Russian Oil and Gas ........

  2. I expect a War may be the only solution - latest pact between China and Russia is a big threat - EU almost out of business except for Germany who need oil and Gas from the Russians .........
