Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Jordan Maxwell On Occulted Knowledgde & Hidden History

There is an old saying ... ."When the student is ready, the teacher will arrive" ... so pull up you chairs, sit up straight, class is in session! Jordan Maxwell joins the broadcast and makes it one of the best yet on the KBS! Jordan goes over the difference between the Laws of the Land and Sea. We are literally living in a world that most of us dont even appreciate. Jordan then goes on to talk about space, aliens, religion, everything! The very language we use and hear everyday is part of the system that is enslaving due to our ignorance of what it actually means. Jordan Maxwell shines a light on all of this and attempts to break the spell. Jordan Maxwell has agreed to come back on KBS next week as this broadcast barely scratched the surface of this great mans information.

Jordan Maxwell has been researching secret societies, occult philosophies, and ufology since 1959. His work is vast, extensive and covers many different areas. It is not only fascinating to explore, but too important to ignore.

where do we come from and where are we going? We cover the mysterious past of humanity to the modern ongoing "dumbing down" of the human family and our transhuman future.  we explore the mysterious, tackle problems and discuss the philosophy of Jordan Maxwell. Topics discussed: the mutation of the human race, the "new man", science, the mysterious, religion, teachers and geniuses, Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, technology,
Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell
J. Craig Venter, world wide plague, arrest development, community responsibility, astrological ages, occult studies, ad hominem attacks, Helena Blavatsky & Manley Palmer Hall, Theosophy & Freemasonry, Gore Vidal, intellect, wisdom, knowledge, the mind of God, spirituality, synchronicity and much more.
Matrix of Power:How the World Has Been Controlled By Powerful People Without Your Knowledge Jordan Maxwell

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