Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Obama's $6 Trillion Budget Deficits

Obama lies about cutting U.S. Budget Deficit in half.

What else can you expect from someone (as well as his insignificant other) who have spent their entire lives at the trough of government affirmative action programs. As someone who has never held a productive job, never managed any type of business, and never served in this country's Armed Forces, 'Willey Wonka is magically elected (??) to the position of POTUS, where he fails miserably at every turn. In his worldly view as a former community organizer, wealth must be 'redistributed' to the lame and lazy, who like him, feels that they have been cheated in life's lottery. Rather than work for their existence, they feel they are somehow 'owed', somehow 'entitled' to the rewards that others have 'earned'. Money magically appears (in their minds) as manna from heaven, no accountability, effort, or personal responsibility required. With the mindset, 'you owe me', as well as 'I am entitled to' is it any wonder that the man with the plan, the master of disaster, is pushing this country toward financial ruin??? Another thought, is George Soros's financial wealth behind the 'fool on parade'???

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