Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Poverty on The Rise - Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Working Women - Stuart Varney - Fox & Friends

Welcome to the USSA : On The Rise - Food Stamp Recipients Outnumber Working Women - Stuart Varney - Fox & Friends

It's truly disgusting that our wages are so low, thanks to the Traitors who Hire Foreigners and send our jobs to China, that a man cannot work full-time and support his wife and children. This is why our children don't have "real mothers" anymore. They have "government approved" child-care and school brainwashing to Destroy Their Minds !!! Its time to rout-out these Traitors - enemy of Family and the working-man. They run DC, the Statehouses, and most cities. They put knives in our backs. They ARE The Enemy. Let's send THEM to China - and have High-paying jobs here for American Citizens to support our wives and children.

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