Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ukraine a Tinderbox

The Ukrainian crisis may have seen a flickering light at the end of the tunnel, as politicians from the great powers collided over the former Soviet state are now bringing up the idea of having four-sided talks between the US, EU, Russia and Ukraine itself. But with the east of the Ukraine boiling with new wave of protests, and Kiev's government being fed with unreasonable promises from Washington -- whatwill tomorrow hold for the Ukrainians themselves? Are talks a real possibility? Will there be any use of them? To find this out, Sophie talks to Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst turned whistleblower.
This tug of war at Ukraine cannot go on forever. In the meantime, our Cdn PM, who I am totally ashamed of - to allow a neo-fascist government to take over a country (Kiev Ukraine) without going through the due democratic process. (His dispute with Russia on the Arctic is an entirely different matter and they must be addressed separately.)   

However, I don't believe the interim Kiev Government will last for long, - not from influences from without rather from within (internal dissension), when one looks at the they way they have been behaving during the last few weeks. Besides these people who have been placed in power do not have a political mandate or vision for a Statehood - not the slightest. When you realized how they came to power, you'll understand - they are no more worthy than the previous regime under Yanukovych, perhaps worse (less racially torrent). This tinderbox might ignite another global conflict. As far as I am concerned - I'd ask one question 'Follow the money.' who benefit most out of this shenanigan.   

1 comment:

  1. la pense limite du monde globalise.. la pense le raisonnement limite dans une réalité globalise. donc le globe de la classe moyenne, les pauvres devient un peu plus classe moyenne comme le très riches devient aussi un peu plus classe moyenne, fin des élites Economiques intellectuelles rationnelles fin de tout ides de connaissance supérieur, car la globalisation ce que tous vous tous sont égaux, aucune humain percevra plus profondément la réalité que un autre; classe moyenne, ce ça la globalisation, réel dans la pense le raisonnement humain, aussi bien des chercheurs CNRS comme des présidents comme des-ministres comme de banquiers. tous égaux, mentalement intellectuellement. toute argument de Obama comme quiconque president devient futile, illogique est tout réalité concrete planifie par quiconque régime congres gouvernement ou dictature religieuse ou politique deviendra futile, car la pense sera limite a tous dans une réalité globalise, la fins des élites philosophique comme politique comme littéraire, chaque individue a un rôle a jouer l’acteur comme l’entrepreneur, le president comme le clergé. ce ça la globalisation dans notre planète terre. un grand très grand classe moyenne.. what this means is that reason and anyone that reasons anything will not be above any reasoning of anyone global middle class with a global middle class intelligence and mentality, end of think tanks, philosophers literary wizards all they can do is make more money than the other fellow however intelligence in all remains equal, Obama and the janitor have the same quality and quantity of intelligence, so any decision made by obama congress senate the elite wall street, scientist will be equal to the decision perceive by the janitor. all in one level as you were 1000 years ago, as long ago there was one king a very tiny nobility and the rest. this is what happens now however no king and no nobility. all the same this is call globalisation, which was plan with william the conqueror in 1010, and today is a reality a fact.
