Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Extremist Watch Groups, Culture Clash & Germanophobia -- Mark Weber

Red Ice Radio - Mark Weber -- Extremist Watch Groups, Culture Clash & Germanophobia

Mark Weber is an American historian, author, lecturer and current affairs analyst with a specialized knowledge of US foreign policy, international relations, the Second World War, and, more broadly, of twentieth-century European and American history. Weber is also director of the Institute for Historical Review, an independent, public interest research and publishing center in southern California. In 1988 Weber testified for five days in Toronto District Court as a recognized expert on Germany's wartime Jewish policy and the Holocaust issue. In the first hour, Mark talks about a known terrorist group - the Jewish Defense League -- who for 3 months impacted IHR's finances by shutting down the Institute's processing of credit card orders and donations. Behind the shutdown was Dov Hikind. We'll discuss the monopoly and blatant double standards of Jewish organizations such as the JDL, ADL and SPLC. Then, Mark talks about the dangers of applying morality to politics, used to justify war and takeover. Weber also speaks about current ethnic and culture clashes, although we're being told these are just superficial constructs. In the second hour, we'll discuss the situation in Ukraine. Weber shares his perspective on the situation. Next, we'll talk about Germany's role in the EU. Weber talks about Germany's current climate and we look back to WWII. Was there a conspiracy to crush Germany? Mark talks about Winston Churchhill's involvement, the European balance of power at that time and those who wanted to destroy the strength of the German people. We also hear about the horrific bombing in Dresden that massacred thousands of innocent Germans and how it was justified. Innocent German women were also raped and beaten by Western and Soviet soldiers. Weber explains the propaganda version of "the good war." We end the hour on America's military industrial war complex and its worldwide reach into foreign policy. Mark talks about America's abstract ideas that have no interest for Americans and how the US is now exporting ideologies, such as gay rights, with no respect for other cultures or policies.

1 comment:

  1. congress remember you are now on a globalised world this means you are now all of you middle class, and middle class intelligence in relation to a elite is mediocre, so all that washington does that is not conform to a middle class domain will fail; no matter how you insist and persist! propaganda and media now is ineffective as it does not matter what the middle class world think, their thinking has being limited just the same way yours congress and the white house, this goes in fact to all white houses on the planet, as a global realm is a global middle class, a sort of chinese philosophy for the many, same for the clergy, jews, arabs, muslims christians, whom ever, as all humans are alike and all humans have the same level of capacity. So washington any washington; can say whatever it likes do whatever it pleases, and hope. reality no longer follows the modern rule of ignoring reality and the inability to ignore the consequences, reality now goes directly to its consequence so whatever you ignore reality or you accepted is the same, the consequences become reality at the instance of its realm, no time to reckon neither to correct errors; as minds from now on are limited to a middle class realm.
