Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jim Rickards : The Coming Crisis is Bigger Than The Fed

James Rickards, financier and author of the excellent cautionary best-seller Currency Wars, has recently released a follow-on book: The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System. In it, Jim details how history provides plenty of precedent for the collapse that has begun amidst the major world currencies.

The historical progression is predictable enough that Jim is comfortable claiming that the next economic crisis we face will be bigger than the ability of the Federal Reserve (and the other world central banks) to contain it. And that such a calamity will happen within the next five years.

James G. Rickards, Senior Managing Director of Tangent Capital and author of the New York Times best seller Currency Wars. James regularly consults with institutional fund managers, governments, and banking leaders worldwide, and participated in the Pentagon’s first ever, financial war games. As described in Currency Wars, James’ indicates that when the financial wars intensify, “Russia and China [may] acquire massive amounts of gold and then ultimately announce a new gold backed currency,” requiring their trade to be conducted in the new currency as a way to marginalize the dollar.

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