Sunday, April 13, 2014

George Soros — The Man Behind the Mess in Ukraine

Soros aka György Schwartz — The Man Behind the Mess in Ukraine Anyone following the Ukrainian crisis in the reality-warping media comes away with this impression: The Ukrainian people, desperate for Western-style democracy, rose up and rebelled against their authoritarian president. Russia then invaded the Crimea in order to keep Ukraine under its iron grip.
The reality, however, is far from the spin peddled by the mainstream media and its globalist backers. The rebellion in Ukraine was orchestrated by Western bankers as part of a vicious chess game that pits Washington against Moscow. Putin did not invade Crimea, and in a referendum voted on March 16, 97% of Crimeans asked to be allowed to join Russia.
Dave Gahary spoke with reporter Pete Papaherakles, the author of this article, to learn more about what's behind this story, in this informative interview (28:22).

1 comment:

  1. RACIAL WARS TO DESTROY THE WHITE RACE: that means speaking russians will not kill each others, however ukrainians will kill russians is not a language war is just infiltration from washington, ukraine is not the usa, is ukraine or what ever but they do not have the same rules neither the same conditioning. now you got languages and it is normal uk and the us both have the same language! easy to understand forcing russians to speak ukrainian or behave like it, is an abuse as well that part of ukraine has always being part of russia they did not immigrate they were there more than 200 years ago even more. is not an ethnic war, but washington, is doing the best to turn it into an ethnic war!! all this democracy and humans rights bit is just BS...washington is making it a racial war, whites kill whites, there are not many dark folks on the caucasian region besides the tartars. in fact when they ask what color of skin you have origin, legally.. caucasian is mentioned. is a wording manipulation to make believe in democracy while what you have is a language racial war amongst folks of the same race, or a programed destruction of that race in question, and fact. Perhaps washington does no longer like the realm of a caucasian.
