Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday April 13 2014: Victory Over Tyranny

On this special live Sunday, April 13 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Jones chronicles the harrowing events that led the Bureau of Land Management to back off their attempts to bully Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, an egregious misstep that saw thousands of American patriots rally in his defense. Jones encapsulates how the BLM surrendered the day after Infowars exposed Senator Harry Reid's link to a Chinese energy firm and land grab effort, and shines light on the mainstream media's propaganda campaign waged to absolve the BLM of guilt, claiming they were concerned with the public's safety, when in fact they threatened to fire on protesters. On today's show, Alex also discusses why the victory over the BLM reveals the emperor has no clothes, and explains how it can similarly be replicated on a mass scale to turn the tide in the war against tyranny.

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