Friday, April 11, 2014

Hillary Clinton Is Radioactive -- Wayne Root

Not only is Hillary Clinton the front-runner for President, but the race isn't even close. Democrats think she's a lock to be their nominee. Wayne Allyn Root sets out to prove that she isn't a savior. In fact, she is radioactive.


  1. How can Hillary run for president when she is in prison.

  2. Yeah be great if the Evil Witch of the West is placed' into operate things for her Satanic Masters! If things haven't fallen apart by 2016 under the present puppet Barry Bi Barrack? Any bets the bitch will be the final nail in the coffin for the American people. Hang her high from a bridge now and save the entire world more grief! While she's swinging throw Billy C a rope over next to her! Get rid of the Clinton's the evil psycho bitch and psycho bastard!!
