Friday, April 11, 2014

DHS Is Preparing For The Next Disaster Which Will Cover Up The Economic Collapse

The only way the world can live in the type of societies that have been created is by using a plentiful and cheap energy source such as coal, gas and oil. We cannot maintain our extant societies without these resources. So just be prepared for human beings to suck every last drop of energy out of the Earth that they possibly can. And no matter of "protesting" in the "free speech zones" is going to change things. No amount of "voting" is going to change anything.

Catalonia is continuing the fight for independence. Eurozone housing is starting to implode. The tax base in every state is shrinking and its wreaking havoc on state budgets, which means more people are out of work than reported. Gazprom is issuing a bond in the yuan, another hit to the dollar. Clive Bundy a Nevada rancher is having his cattle confiscated because the BLM wants the land for fracking. Turkey still has a ban on youtube. Ukraine has given 48 hours to those people who want independence to step down or face military might. NATO is denying the buildup of troops on Ukraine/Russia border. Satellite photo shows Russian troop buildup but the image is from Aug 2013. DHS is now preparing for the next nationwide disaster. This disaster will most likely be an EMP which will knock out the power in the US. Be prepared for the next false flag.

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