Friday, April 11, 2014

The Federal Reserve needs to start another war before The Economy Implodes

U.S. & Russia at Odds over Ukraine, GOP wants IRS Chief Prosecuted, Sebelius, Out over Obama Care
It's a slow motion train wreck across the board, and we are all watching it unfold right before our eyes.
The whole situation Ukraine is geo politics and economics. The United States is building a missile defense system along Eastern Europe, And Ukraine was suppose to be last piece of that puzzle. The Federal Reserve needs to start another war before the economy implodes fully. 40 major central banks around the world have dumped the greenback in favour of the Yuan. Russia has also stated that will start there own system to destroy the petrodollar

I think the Ukraine crisis is the big story, and it is being underreported that it has both financial and real war implications. Let's start with what Russia is doing. It is now going to issue a new bond based in the yuan. Are you getting that? This is yet another move away from using the U.S. dollar to settle international trade. Russia is also hiking the price of natural gas to Ukraine by at least 50% in May.

Lois Lerner, the former IRS chief at the heart of the scandal targeting conservative groups such as the Tea Party, is now a target herself. House Republicans have sent a criminal referral to the Justice Department. The GOP wants Eric Holder to look into prosecuting her for criminal acts that go against basic First Amendment rights of the Constitution, among other allegations of criminal wrongdoing.

The head of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, is stepping down. It is no surprise after the disastrous rollout of Obama Care. It's not just the rollout that has most people angry at this law. We now know the overwhelming majority of people are paying way more and getting less.

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