Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ukraine was traded for Syria -- Joel Skousen & Alex Jones

Alex Jones is joined via Skype by world renowned relocation consultant, publisher of World Affairs Brief and author of Strategic Relocation: North American Guide to Safe Places, Joel Skousen about the developments in Crimea and Ukraine and how the global elite plan to pilfer the country dry.

Ukraine was traded for Syria.  America's foreign infiltrated and controlled government is putting on a good show with speaking out against the Russians going into Ukraine, but I assure you this was not a surprise, it was coordinated.  Kerry and Putin are on Skype with each other right now raising a toast of Vodka to each other.  NWO Russia needed something for Syria.  NWO West gave them Ukraine.  Just like they are giving NWO China parts of the Pacific and Africa right now.  We will be hitting Syria very soon.  Assad will be removed by the foreign controlled American government because he won't play nice with the global central banking system.  They need complete unrest all around Zionist Israel in order to get the "peace" deal to go through with the Palestinians.  From there, Iran and from there, North Korea and then they'll pretty much have it sealed.  3 NWO powers that will eventually unite into 1.  This is why NWO Russia and NWO China have relaxed some of their economic and political policies.  This is why NWO West has de-Americanized America and has cracked down on liberty.  They are forming these governments to be more like one another so that their differences can be set aside later and they can meld into one.  At that point, kiss liberty goodbye forever.  Best behead the dragon while it is still a hatchling.

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