Sunday, March 2, 2014

BREAKING NEWS : Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Declaring War

  Ukraine puts its army on full combat alert and accuses Russia of "a declaration of war" after Moscow gave the green light for military intervention.
    Russian President Vladimir Putin warns the United States that he retains the right to protect Russian interests in east Ukraine and Crimea.
    US President Barack Obama, accuses Russia of a "clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity".
    European foreign ministers are to hold an emergency meeting in Brussels on Monday.
    British Foreign Secretary William Hague, who is travelling to Kiev, says he is "deeply concerned" about the deepening crisis.

Ukraine's leader has accused Russia of declaring war on his country and warned the nation was on the "brink of disaster". Appealing to the international community for help Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said: "This is the red alert, this is not a threat, this is actually a declaration of war to my country."
Ukraine has mobilised its military and called up all its reserves after Russia gave the go-ahead to send more troops into the country, in what has become the biggest confrontation between Moscow and the West since the Cold War.
It came as it was warned the deepening crisis is just "a pace away from catastrophe", where the smallest act could take it "over the edge".
Nato's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has called on Russia to de-escalate tensions.
"What Russia is doing now in Ukraine violates the principles of the United Nations charter. It threatens peace and security in Europe," he said.
Russian forces have taken over the Ukraine's southeast Crimea region where Moscow has a naval base, and more troops are on their way, prompting accusations of a "military invasion".
Despite mounting international condemnation, Russian President Vladimir Putin insists he has the right to protect Russian citizens and interests in Ukraine.

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