Thursday, March 20, 2014

Randi Zuckerberg Advocates to End Online Anonymity

Randi Zuckerberg, former marketing director for Facebook, discusses her disdain for online anonymity and why we should end it.

Children being bullied? That's your whole argument? That's either evilly deceptive or astoundingly naive. Anonymity is a necessary defense against tyranny.Facebook wants to have every bit of info on everyone. Yes, some people abuse their anonymity, but calling for an 'end' to it is much worse. Whoever is in charge of 'ending' the anonymity will no doubt be politically motivated, and abuse their powers. Just like the IRS, the NSA, the ATF, the DOJ, welfare offices etc.


  1. If you are stupid enough to encourage or allow your children to be connected on social networks, then you are a total idiot. The end will be that societies basest values will shape your kids thinking...but don't complain when they fail to mature or are misdirected by all the asinine and puerile rubbish that is the mainstream.

  2. Randy Sukerberg - what a name!
