Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ron Paul: Privacy is dead and gone

FORMER REP. RON PAUL, R - TX: Well, it`s a mess, as usual. And I still like my idea of getting rid of them.
But maybe there`s a -- I have trouble figuring out what the motivation is, but maybe they knew that Obama was going to pay time-and-a-half for overtime and if you go home and take your work home and you work overtime, maybe they thought they were going to get more pay.
PAUL: But it is. It`s such an outrage.
Now, the individual that`s involved, when you ask for information, the IRS says, oh, no, we can`t tell you anything about her because we want to protect the privacy of that particular individual. So you`re absolutely correct when you suggest that, you know, if they can`t watch this information on themselves, and this is what happens when government gets too big and they start spying on each other, then what`s going to happen when ObamaCare, if that ever gets really going?
You know, that`s all based on IRS agents. So privacy is dead and gone. I think it`s a general principle. It`s just not the IRS. It`s the TSA. It`s the NSA. And it`s the principle of the Fourth Amendment. If they knew and understood that, we wouldn`t have this problem. But this is another typical example of the government not caring about us, and it seems like they are running just out of control.

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