Thursday, March 20, 2014

Build Up to WW3 -- Tensions Rise As The U.S. Imposes Laughable Sanctions On Russia

President Obama announced he's imposing new sanctions on top Russian officials and a bank. Russia also imposed sanctions of its own.

Cyprus housing market is declining as capital controls continue to be implemented. The Greece people are staging protest on Government enforced austerity. The US housing market is imploding on itself and the outlook for spring, blame it on weather. Facebook has been busted, they allow the NSA to spy on the American people. The US imposed additional sanctions on a select group of Russians and Ukrainians. Russia has now retaliated and imposed sanctions on a select group of Americans. Tensions between Russia and American are increasing and the war drums are beating louder. Be prepared for an event to start the war.

1 comment:

  1. Buy gold dump the dollar, new economical platform "market exchange" opens in china, to rival wall street, dealing in asian currencies ONLY, exchange are done without the dollar. $, no need of $ as reserve currency to buy gold, anything at all "no need for "petrodollars" asian markets split from wall street, city of london scheme. new Market is call the great wall....(THE GREAT WALL)° to replace wall street for asian markets and Russia, it will include INDIA? IRAN, all pacific and asian nations, and south america & AFRICA, end of petrodollars and wall street G7. the economical world splits in two, asian russian side, washington european side.
    DUMP THE £,$, NOW...let the market be..
