Sunday, February 16, 2014

Transhumanism is the ultimate trick of the Archons

The NWO is shooting Nano Goo into innocent civilians brains via ears from NAVY/AF/FBI/SBI/CIA/Militarized Cops drones, helicopters and low-lying satellites, even low flying planes over victim's homes. Some are smearing it in their homes on their food, along with Nano Dust (Smart Dust). This Goo crackles thru the brain, seeps into the bloodcell creating ROBOTS for slow torturous kill every time a military plane/drone/satellite is near. Satellites are placed around victim's home to soft-kill.

Jay Weidner with Jeff Rense, Febr 13, 2014. On Transhumanism, Google, Facebook, Artificial Intelligence, Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp's "Transcendence", Downloading someone's mind into a super computer, Download a soul down onto a chip, Pentagon, DARPA, Ray Kurzweil, Terminator Robots, and more.

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