Sunday, February 16, 2014

Martial Law in America -- The Alex Jones Show Sunday February 16 2014

On this live Sunday, February 16 worldwide transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the massive buildup for martial law happening right now in America. The U.S. Army recently built a replica city in order to train for a military occupation of a small town. Costing $96 million to construct, the 300-acre town includes a church, a bank, a sports stadium and an underground subway. The army already conducts numerous occupation drills in rural communities across America. Alex also takes your calls to hear your take on this ongoing military training and the erosion of our Constitutional government. Be sure to tune into today's explosive broadcast!

1 comment:

  1. While conservatives may be the target....I am assuming that another side of the story may be that the Gov't is concerned about China invading the USA, like Chinese cities being built upstate New York today.
