Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gerald Celente : America behind The Riots in Ukraine

Gerald Celente : America's overt actions destabilizing Ukraine as never before . At least 75 people have died in the street violence, as the broken truce between the government and the opposition has turned the Ukrainian capital into bloody turmoil. Gerald Celente, trends forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins RT to discuss this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Kiev's agony — RT CrossTalk:

    'via Blog this'

    mr Putin you must understand Europeans are not educated, otherwise the Ukraine chaos will not have taken place, Europeans are somewhat hypnotize, they have lost the quality of reason, the american masses are on the same boat. this somehow Jewish bankers takeover, this Rothschild breed is incapable of fixing anything, so they have BHL, French doctors CRIEF, AIPAC, that have become economical hit-men, they call it humanitarian intervention, the aim is destroy nations and have the Jewish bankers repair the damage. the problem is they no longer can fix anything, so chaos remains and expands. Jewish bankers are now negative the IMF is a mess as the world bank.. so today bankers do not know what to do and are unable to understand the current reality the result is a chaos that has no end.
