Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ukraine Violence Escalates - 50 People Dead

Ukraine Violence Escalates - 50 People Dead

Ukraine Erupts in Greater Violence 50 people dead .Ukraine is being rocked by the worst violence seen in that nation in years. A truce, meant to end the bloodshed, fell apart in a hail of gunfire. At least 22 people are dead in the latest round of clashes. The city of Kiev is in chaos. With 2.8 million people, it is the 8th largest city in Europe. Gunfire is being seen around the metropolitan area. A truce was broken on Thursday, as violence broke in in Kiev's Independence Square. No one knows why a ceasefire was broken just hours after being signed.

Nearly 50 people have died and hundreds of been injured in riots in just a few days. Government officials claim protesters were the first to fire. Demonstrators deny the charges. Doctors tell the press many of the victims were shot directly in their head, neck or heart, increasing the death rate.

Western powers are offering assistance to the Ukraine. German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered her help to begin a new round of peace negotiations. Russia's foreign embassy criticized such moves, saying any effort outside nations make is likely doomed to failure.

Spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich said, "The ongoing attempts to obtrusively intervene from outside, threat with sanctions or trying to influence the situation in any other ways are inappropriate and can't lead to anything good but can only aggravate the confrontation."

Protests began in November, when a European trade deal was rejected. Dissatisfaction with President Viktor Yanukovych escalated into widespread violence. Nearly 30 people were killed on Tuesday, before the truce was signed.

Britain has already called their Ukrainian representative back to London. Their foreign secretary, William Hague, is meeting with world leaders in Brusells to discuss the violence.

The British Foreign Office stated "[Minister for Europe David Lidington] expressed extreme concern over the reports of further violence and deaths, and made clear that action against peaceful protesters on Independence Square is unacceptable."

Clashes in Kiev will continue until the sides reach an agreement.

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