Thursday, February 20, 2014

Obama's Next Assassination Target

People of America keep telling me Americans are the "best".
Well, I haven't seen that. I'm seeing most Americans (NOT all!) as myopic, greedy, self centered, childlike, willfully ignorant of facts and VERY scared to the point of cowardice.

WHY won't Americans stand up, be counted and take back THEIR country from these international psychopathic criminals? Are they THAT "dumbed down"? Are they so poisoned by toxins, so brainwashed by the propaganda media and "state" schools they are literally now unable to process rational thought?

I don't think that's the big picture.  What I am seeing across America is FEAR - Americans have been terrorized by the globalist police state ALREADY in place... and growing.

"Community" has become a shadow. Most people now hide behind curtains and peek out at the world, AFRAID of what they KNOW is happening to their country, afraid of their own neighbors. Americans are "walking on eggs" - trying to stay "safe" by avoiding breaking any of the NWO's over SIX MILLION unlawful but "legal" "laws".

This will be the absolute END of the "peasant rule" experiment if the American people don't STAND UP and BE the government they are supposed to be.

Find your courage and be COUNTED for freedom.
Soon it's going to be too late.

1 comment:

  1. America is gone, that's the plan! The citizenry is NEVER going to take a stand even thought they are armed, it matter not! They as a people in the main do NOT have the courage to stand up to what THEY as individuals have allowed to happen through apathy! They are now viewed around the world as pathetic people, not all but most! To loud, to religious, to special! Bullshit, well the chickens have come home to roast yanks after living off everyone else's misery, now the tables are long last! Long overdue, and most would agree it's deserving!! BYE BYE!!
