Thursday, February 27, 2014

Economic Doomsday Clock to sound on March 4, 2014?!

Economic Doomsday March 4, 2014 .Economic Doomsday Clock to sound on March 4, 2014?! Everything points to that day!!!

The Federal Reserve Bank is a legal mafia bank cartel. They money launder drug cartel money for big profits. Money launder pedophilia porn money! They racketeer and use extortion to black mail politicians with the NSA, the agency that works for the Federal Reserve by giving them personal info of their enemies for black mail not just in this country but countries around the world. President Kennedy tryed to put them out of business in June 1963 but they killed him for it! That's how Satanic evil they are, they should all be in prison for life.


  1. So why March 4th, 2014 ?
    Why not March 15th....the Ides of March :-)

    or 2015 or 2106 so maybe the president can declare marshal law and take full control before the election or maybe permanently postpone the 2016 election.

  2. Is this similar to the 1999 fiasco. I hope not. Cry wolf too many times and no one listens or prepares. The economies of the world are surely in trouble.

  3. And you told us absolutely NOTHING. Rename your video, because what I viewed said nothing of WHY you say March 4th.
