Thursday, February 27, 2014

U.S. Debt Will Explode in 2014 -- Brandon Smith

I am getting very suspicious of the "realism" of US debt. The willingness to keep raising the debt ceiling with no care in the world is odd, even for morons in DC. The Fed Reserve buys a lot of US debt which then uses these IOU's to fuel a wide assortment of monetary shenanigans. I am even suspicious of China's owning our debt - to the point that I wonder if backhanded deals through the Fed are creating a mirage that we owe China so much. In fact, I think this debt notion is just a tool to grab private property from US citizens. Don't get me wrong, future generations will pay to service this debt but I doubt the money is going to China or any other nation holding our debt. If shiploads of gold were going overseas, I'd believe in the debt, but that does not happen. What really is the meaning of national debt when your currency is floating and there are no obstacles to the printing press?

Brandon Smith of predicts U.S. debt will "explode in 2014." Smith says, "I think the U.S. debt issue is going to be very big this year. I think where all this is headed is debt default by the United States and intervention by the IMF. I believe the IMF will intervene in U.S. Treasuries." Smith thinks America is headed for one big "final swindle." Smith says the government is "cornering the last vestiges of U.S. wealth in the Treasury market and then will cut the legs out from under the Treasury market and thereby destroying the few people left in the middle class and deal with an economic collapse situation. . . . I think we will not see a full-on collapse where we wake up and there is nothing. We will have a slow to medium speed collapse where we will lose a considerable percentage of the value of the dollar. We will see major price hikes in necessary goods such as food, energy and electricity. I think the ultimate goal is to have the IMF move in and take over the management of the U.S. economy. I think the IMF and the U.N. will work hand in hand to rebuild the U.S. economy once it collapses." Smith goes on to say, "I have never seen so many possible global trigger events in the short time since I started to report on these global events. If you would have told me back in 2008 that we may one day be on the verge of WWIII in the Ukraine or with China and Japan, I might not have believed you. . . . I think there is a good possibility of a limited exchange, or limited use of nuclear weapons."

On gold and silver, Smith says, "People in the investment market are going to start looking for alternative hedges." Smith thinks, "Silver will go way up," and "gold will be up 20% to 30% this year."

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