Thursday, February 27, 2014

Micro Drones Are Coming -- The Bill Still Report

This changes everything. Micro drones the size of your thumb can now carry 3 TV cameras with a wireless video link back to your laptop and stay aloft for 20 mins.You were warned America. This is just the start of full government control. No matter which current party, we are toast. End the Patriot Act and NDAA and reinstate the Constitution, rescind Citizens United and have a real election with common, grass roots candidates instead of this farce...

A law signed by President Barack Obama in February 2012 directs the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to throw American airspace wide open to drones by September 30, 2015.

Nano sized Drones Combined With DNA Hacking Could Create A Very Scary Future for the United States in light of a law president Obama signed last year implementing a fleet of at least 30,000 spy drones to spy on small town USA no later than 2015 to spy on Americans.

Unfortunately this is a true story and as long as we continue to let politicians like President Barack Obama and other democrats pick apart and fundamentally change our constitution instead of protecting it, we move closer to an extreme communist state in our country.

In case you didn't know it - and you probably didn't - Congress, with little fanfare, passed an FAA re-authorization bill that President Obama signed into law that will put 30,000 flying drones spying on Americans across U.S. cities by government.

People are already nervous about the prospect of being watched by law enforcement (and possibly the military or DHS), but our leaders employ these tools nevertheless and "we the people" are letting them.

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