Saturday, January 25, 2014

WW3 -- China vs. Japan

Harvard Professor Ezra Vogel Warns of “Devastating” China-Japan War : Is this professor talking about the war written about 160 years ago by our illustrious Southern Colonel Albert Pike?

 China does have a very limited counterstrike ability but it was not meant to counter a US first strike. China's nuclear triad (i use that term loosely) is meant for India, japan and such neighbors.
A US first strike would be more than enough to cripple most all ability of china to wage war. And if china did have a handful of slbm's left(unlikely) they would have a tough time getting by US missile defense layers. If by some crazy chance china does land a few mirvs the US would still have the ability to turn what little is left of china into a radio active parking lot.
Most likely after a US first strike china could lay down or mount a small ineffective counterstrike that would bring an end to china for all.
Russia, who has a realistic nuclear triad realized it was no match for the US. What really ended the Cuban missile deal was when JFK sent Russia the location of the four nuclear armed red subs in the area.
If the US could find Russia's most advanced subs back then there is no reason to think china's outdated subs will last any more than a few minutes before a US nuclear strike.

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