Saturday, January 25, 2014

KIEV RIOTS -- Could This Happen in U.S. ?

KIEV RIOTS / REVOLUTION Looks Like a VISION OF HELL - Could This Happen in U.S. ?

Five protesters have died during an anti-government uprising in Kyiv, Ukraine which has waged on for over four days now.

As many as 200 officers have been injured over the past four days, reports RT, with roughly 300 protesters injured as well.

The commotion has seemingly intensified upon news of the deaths, with the European Union threatening to punish Ukraine leaders for violently confronting the protesters and the U.S. government "strongly condemning" police violence.

Until Wednesday, as per the Ukraine Prime Minister's orders, police were not allowed to possess firearms during the confrontation, however, CNN reports that ban has been lifted.

Police instead relied on smoke and tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades, molotov cocktails and also water cannons.

An order banning police use of water cannons in sub-zero temperatures was also lifted, and as reported below, at least three tanks are awaiting departure from Chernihiv just north of Kyiv.

Medics who treated the wounded activists claim at least one protester was injured by a police sniper.

The protests supposedly stem from Ukraine President Vicktor Yanukovych's decision to refuse a European Union trade deal in favor of stronger economic ties with Russia.

As reported Monday, the protests have largely been organized by USAID, the CIA's National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House (which has also been alleged to be a CIA connected organization), and George Soros' Open Society Institute.

Protesters stormed the governor's offices in Lviv, and there were rallies in at least five more western cities.

One opposition leader was upbeat after the crisis talks, saying there was a "high chance" of a solution.

Two people died in clashes in Kiev on Wednesday, the first deaths in two months of protests over EU links.

Wednesday is Ukraine's Day of National Unity, but the country has never felt so divided.

At least three people have died in Kiev, the first casualties of a protest movement that has rumbled on for two months before bursting dramatically into violence over the weekend.

Two protesters were shot dead during clashes with police, who attempted to take back control of the city centre. Prosecutors confirmed earlier claims by the protest leaders that the pair had been shot with live ammunition. A third protester died after falling from a high column at Dynamo Kiev's football stadium while fighting with police, Reuters reported.

[...] Martial law was effectively declared at 4pm local time, as shops, hotels and other businesses in the area surrounding the hub of the protests were reportedly ordered to close their doors for the day. A full-on storm was not immediately forthcoming, however.

The protests in Ukraine organized by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Freedom House, George Soros' Open Society Institute and a host of public-private NGOs have turned violent.

Intense street battles raged in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, on Monday following protests over the weekend against newly enacted laws curtailing public assembly. The law bans and imposes strict penalties for the use of stages and tents in public spaces. It also outlaws helmets and balaclavas.

The fighting began on a side street near the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovnaya Rada, near Independence Square on Sunday.

The protests began after President Viktor Yanukovich decided to reestablish relations with Russia. The protesters want the government to sign a European Union Association Agreement

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