Saturday, January 25, 2014

Market Crash Coming Economic Collapse 2014

Market Crash Coming Economic Collapse 2014

A large number of those who escaped the worst of the 2008-10 meltdown will get wiped out this time around. This round is the one that will make a substantial difference. The best thing that a person can do economically is to own productive land with water free and clear of any mortgages, produce much of your own food, and have a dwelling on that land that is mortgage free, no matter how basic it is.. Forget the fantasies about fighting or facing off the government with guns. You would not stand a chance against a trained SWAT team, several car loads of cops or a military squad..

Would recommend people read "Surviving the economic Crash" on Amazon. Written by a guy from Argentina who went through it all. Book has good ratings and what happened there is EXACTLY what is happening here!

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