Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Great Deception: Obama & New World Order

A must see for all truthers, Christians and Muslims alike and anyone else seeking the TRUTH.
As it is clear to see with current events happening all over the world, it appears a nuclear world war 3 is just moments away... but who is behind it? And why? And who is Barack Obama? And what is he doing in the whitehouse? And why is everyone dubbing him as the messiah? the second coming? HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD??!?!?
For many, the truth may seem stranger than fiction. But my hope is this video may open the eyes of those still blinded by darkness and to provide those who are already awake, the answers they are looking for. Be prepared, the FIRE is about to RISE and the MAN OF PERDITION is about to be REVEALED!

1 comment:

  1. The sheep will follow n be lead to the shear Obama care, then war
