Saturday, January 4, 2014

World War III 2014

WWIII will only begin after the US population has successfully been chipped (RFID - barcode - 666). If this process can be completed without too much problems for the government, WWiii will be started to destroy the global monetary structures after which the global population will be chipped as well. The plan is to create a `Cashless Society` by abolishing physical money and giving everybody a government controlled virtual bank account. Buying and selling will only be possible through the use of the implanted RFID chip (barcode - 666). An attack on Iran is not possible because the Iranians have cleverly placed their nuclear installations in such a way that because of the wind direction, any radiation will be going via Israel towards Europe and then the USA and Canada. Simulations are showing Arabs, Israelis, Europeans, Americans and Canadians to be the main victims of any attack. Of course, psychopaths may not care about the consequences of their actions and we could still see an attack on Iran, but it may be the end of several western nations including the USA, as recently warned by US scientists.

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