Saturday, January 4, 2014

The World's Capital Is Now Dangerously Boxed In ~ Brian Pretti

Brian Pretti : This week Chris speaks with Brian Pretti, managing editor of, a financial commentary site published by institutional buy-side portfolio managers. In their discussion, they focus on the global movement of capital since quantitative easing (QE) became the policy of the world's major central banks.

The ensuing excellent discussion is wide ranging, but the key takeaway is that capital is being herded into fewer and fewer asset classes. With such huge volumes of money at play, very crowded trades in assets like stocks and housing have resulted -- bringing us back to familiar bubble territory in record time.

The key for the individual, Pretti emphasizes, is risk management. The safety many investors believe they are buying in today's markets is not real.he World's Capital Is Now Dangerously Boxed In

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