Monday, October 14, 2013

Crisis to Chaos: History's Biggest Defaults

It's the Rothschild Banking Cartel that's being threatened. The "Global Economy" is a fiction. The world has to abandon the economic system we have today. This system is called 'fiat' and it has been manipulated by the gluttons. It's easy to figure out the criminals, they have it all! Money Is Pretend and the federal reserve is as federal as federal express. We are all married to this 'fiat' scam. Our banks are centralized, meaning they are corporations separated from our country. They deserve to sink. And our 'economic community', meaning our economists, bankers even the business leaders need to be isolated and reformed severely. Things need to change.

Oct. 15 (Bloomberg) --- As the United States government remains in stalemate over it's debt limit, Bloomberg takes a look at some of the world's biggest defaults, which have been getting bigger and bigger in recent years. (Source: Bloomberg)

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