Monday, October 14, 2013

The IMF Warns : Default Would Put Global Economy at Risk

It's the Rothschild Banking Cartel that's being threatened. The "Global Economy" is a fiction.  let it burn. the world banking system is set up to put countries in debt, and keep them there. it should have never been created in the first place.

"The IMF warns" that is rich, especially considering these same "experts" are directly responsible for most of the real problems and cant or wont see the solutions, mainly because they want to cash in first,personally! before it all goes south,or east, or west,what! ever!,.this is a fine example of why we must not ask those who create the problems to come up with the solutions, their focus is on themselves, in spite of the use of "The International Monetary Fund", it is actually a "me and my pals[mostly crims] bank", and they are so self focused they actually believe we cant see,dont know? don't care?, IMF & WB are two of the largest problems that have brought the world to it's knees, with thier never ending transfers of wealth to the already wealthy corporations, their whole point of being is to ensure that there is not one single Government entity left on the planet and we are Governed by corporations, right back to the days of dickens... Government owned and operated Public Banks should be the ones who are capitalizing all aspects of Government debt, NOT the private banks, Government owned banks do not need to charge interest as you are paying yourself back...

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